3 Quotes & Sayings By Tomson Highway

Tomson Highway is the author of ten books, most recently The Wild Blue Yonder, a New York Times bestseller. His most recent work for adults is The Wild Blue Yonder, a New York Times bestseller. A native of upstate New York, Tomson began his writing career at age eleven and has been published by numerous magazines and newspapers. He has also written for television and made appearances on both Saturday Night Live and The Simpsons Read more

He lives in Los Angeles with his wife and three children.

There's a major fault in Western society. It makes room...
There's a major fault in Western society. It makes room for only one god, and in only one gender. There's no balance, no co-existence, no partnership. Tomson Highway
English is so hierarchical. In Cree, we don't have animate-inanimate comparisons between things. Animals have souls that are equal to ours. Rocks have souls, trees have souls. Trees are 'who, ' not 'what. Tomson Highway